He’s not afraid to give lap dances on the set of Ellen and he can solve a Rubik’s cube faster than it takes to film a rose ceremony, but who exactly is The Bachelorette‘s Alex Bordyukov? Well, to start, he’s a 28-year-old information systems supervisor from Grosse Pointe Park, Michigan.
And in person, he has the physique of Beauty and the Beast‘s Gaston. (His personality, however, feels more like Belle’s.) When he laid out all of his colorful suits (see our video below) on the bed of his hotel room the day before filming The Bachelorette began, I joked that I was shocked he’s never been in the pages of Glamour. His response: “I know, right?! You’d think with all this stuff I wear, someone would’ve noticed me by now!”
The surprising thing is that Alex wasn’t actually trying to get noticed (you can leave that to Lee, Whaboom, and plenty of other crazies this season). He’s content to just be part of the group, have fun, and not put any pressure on himself or Rachel to forge a long-term connection. “At the end of the day, it’s about her, [and] who’s the best match for her. It’s not an ego thing for me. You can’t be the best for everyone,” he tells us. “If someone’s more compatible with her than I am, I won’t take it personally.”
Turns out, after tonight’s elimination, that seems to be the case. But there’s definitely more to Alex than what we’ve seen on the show. Find out, below.
Glamour: Your wardrobe is amazing. How would you describe your personality?
Alex Bordyukov: Very easy going, very goofy, I’m unorthodox. I like flashy, but in an approachable way. I’ve been told I can be intimidating. I can see if I was wearing dark suits, I could be a Bond villain. So, my clothes will show my personality a little more, and you’ll see this guy is not so scary.
Glamour: What do you do back home in Detroit?
Alex: I do IT and accounting. On the side, I’m like a non-professional athlete.
Glamour: What does that mean?
Alex: It means I stay very active, I play sports, I like to work out. I won’t say I take it serious, but it’s a big part of my life, but without the added pressure of being an actual athlete. I just do it for fun.
Glamour: You were telling me you still have relatives in Russia. How do you explain that you’re on a big American reality TV show looking for love?
Alex: So, my grandpa lives in a little village, I don’t even know if he’ll ever find out. Even if he did, he’d be like, “What? What is it?” He’s not a problem. My uncle, same way. They kind of live in very rural Russia. I guess we’ll see how they feel about it.

PHOTO: Paul Hebert/ABC
Glamour: What are you looking for in a relationship with Rachel?
Alex: What I look for in the relationship is synergy. I’m not looking to take care of someone or to have someone take care of me, you know. Kind of figure out compromise and how we’re gonna make this work. I’m looking for something that we can both add to each other’s lives without giving up our individuality.
Glamour: What do you think has been your biggest weakness in past relationships?
Alex: I’ve only ever really dated two girls seriously, so I’ve only had two relationships. One four years; one five years. The first one was out of high school. My weakness was I was whipped like crazy! I was whipped. The second one, I guess I just wanted…I didn’t feel like I was the best match for her at the end of the relationship. I knew that she wanted something else, and I didn’t want to hold her back because the direction I was headed was a different direction than she wanted to go.
Glamour: What’s your favorite thing to do on a date?
Alex: When I go on dates, it’s like, “Let’s go ice skating or rock climbing.” Very active. I don’t know if I’m supposed to say it, but I love to cuddle. [Laughs] And I’m the little spoon, obviously. As you can probably tell, I do like to joke around and don’t take things too seriously. But, at the same time, I do have that side of me that’s very adult. I keep it about about 80/20. 80% of me adult, and 20% of me have fun in life. YOLO, I guess. [Laughs]

PHOTO: Jessica Radloff
Glamour: Have you given yourself any rules going into this? With a lot of guys under one roof, things can get kind of rowdy.
Alex: Because I do play a lot of sports, I’m always around guys, I enjoy that interaction, bromances, just goofing around with the guys. I’m not too concerned. I don’t look at it as a competition. If someone’s more compatible with her than I am, I won’t take it personally. It’s not a competition.
Glamour: Yeah, you say that now!
Alex: Yeah, but if she picks someone else over me, that’s her choice. At the end of the day, it’s about her, who’s the best match for her. It’s not an ego thing for me. You can’t be the best for everyone. Just like, we’re all puzzle pieces, and some of them will match, but one is gonna be perfect. Whichever one of us it’s gonna be, that’s fine. I’m excited to go on this journey with a bunch of guys who’ve been pre-screened; some of them are gonna be cool.
Glamour: So, have a bromance come out of this!
Alex: Sure, why not?
Related: For more interviews with Rachel’s suitors on The Bachelorette, click here for our interviews with Iggy Rodriguez, Diggy Moreland, and DeMario Jackson.
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