Thanos Rips Through Japanese Newspaper in Awesome Infinity War Ad


In a creative new ad for Infinity War, Thanos’ hand with the Infinity Gauntlet can be seen ripping through a Japanese newspaper. The forthcoming Marvel movie is only a few weeks from hitting theaters and the promotional campaign has ramped up accordingly, giving fans more footage through TV spots and creative print ads like the one seen in the Japanese newspaper. Just yesterday, Marvel fans were treated to minute of awesome new footage from the movie that had not ever been seen before, cranking up the hype machine an extra few notches in the process.

The new Infinity War ad in the Japanese newspaper is a full page and it features the shocked look from Tony Stark that we’ve seen in the trailers. But the coolest part is Thanos’ hand ripping through the paper with the Infinity Gauntlet, clutching the Avengers “A” logo, crushing it in the process. It’s a particularly heavy piece of imagery considering what we know about Josh Brolin’s Thanos and his motives. The battle is going to be brutal and not everybody is going to survive Infinity War.

While the new Japanese ad is pretty dark, falling in line with the official trailers from new promo featuring Spider-Man, we see his side kick Ned Leeds create a funny diversion on the school bus to allow Peter Parker to swing into action. Elsewhere, the latest TV spot for the movie contains some dark humor between Cap and Bucky before Okoye bemoans the fact that T’Challa opened Wakanda to rest of the world, noting that a full-scale war was not in mind when she initially thought of the idea.

Marvel fans have even gotten in on the humor portion of the Infinity War promotional campaign, poking fun at new character posters that feature the backsides of Captain America and Bucky as well as noticing that the creative department at Marvel has gotten pretty wild with the airbrushing of Tom Holland’s Spider-Man’s genital region. Additionally, fans have been having fun with the lack of Jeremy Renner’s Hawkeye in the promotional material. Hawkeye has not been featured in any of the trailers or print ads, leading fans to create their own posters that solely picture Clint Barton in place of the rest of the crew in Infinity War.

The promotional campaign for Infinity War has even started screenings of the first 30 minutes of the movie and the response has been overwhelmingly positive from lucky viewers. Infinity War is epic in scope as well as the way that it’s been promoting itself, and the new Japanese newspaper ad is proof of that. It seems odd to point out a print ad, but this one really needs to be seen to be believed. You can take a look at the new Infinity War Japanese newspaper ad below, thanks to the Roaring Boar Instagram account.


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