It hasn’t even been 24 hours since Taylor Swift dropped her “Look What You Made Me Do” video, and the Internet is flooded with fan theories. Most people accept the general gist of the video: Swift nods to her public perception by literally killing off her old personas and winking to the tabloid stories that plagued her last year. However, some of the clip’s details are still up for debate. Does she throw any shade at Katy Perry? Is this a commentary more on the media or her celebrity haters? Why the hell does she mess up an airplane at the end?
This is where Tumblr comes in. Thousands of Swifties have taken to the social media platform to write their theories about the “Look What You Made Me Do” video—and several are pretty convincing. And apparently Swift herself thinks so, too, because she just went through and “liked” a bunch of them.
Of course, Swift “liking” a theory on Tumblr doesn’t necessarily confirm it’s true; she could just be interacting with her fans. In fact, Swift has a history of going on Tumblr and finding super-fans. But she knows her audience. She’s well aware that we’re going to take her “likes” as some kind of validation. The “LWYMMD” video is chock-full of imagery; there’s so much to unpack. Swift “liking” Tumblr posts about the clip definitely erases some of the confusion around it. Or maybe it creates more. Who knows. What’s certain, however, is that Swift feels some type of way about these Tumblr posts—and these, too. (She’s liked a lot of posts about this video—too many to include in this story. Click here to see everything.)
The reason behind Swift recycling her old outfits.

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Swift’s attitude toward the tabloids.

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Will the real Taylor Swift please stand up?

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Credit check.

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The media’s response.

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Those “I Heart T.S.” shirts.

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2006 v. 2017.

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The car crash scene.

PHOTO: Tumblr
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