Star Wars Fans Petition to Fire J.J. Abrams from Episode 9


The Star Wars universe was thrown into turmoil yet again when it was announced that Lucasfilm and Star Wars 9 director Colin Trevorrow had parted ways after 2 years of working together. The disruption pushed back production and the release date. Many fans have been left angry about the whole situation. After the dust barely settled, Lucasfilm announced that The Force Awakens director, J.J. Abrams would be taking over, leading many fans into a frenzy fueled by disappointment. Though The Force Awakens was generally well-received, many Star Wars fans feel that it was just a re-telling of A New Hope and have started a petition to get Abrams fired from the project to keep him from ruining the final movie in the new trilogy.

Inverse reports that Matt Vela out of California started the new petition to remove Abrams from Episode IX. Many assume that The Last Jedi will be a rip-off of The Empire Strikes Back and now Star Wars fans are certain that J.J. Abrams is going to rehash Return of the Jedi for the third and final installment in the new trilogy. According to the new petition, “Star Wars fans deserve better. They demand better.”

The petition goes on to highlight the fact that when the trilogy was announced, Lucasfilm and Disney also announced that a new director would helm each movie. The petition reads.

“At the start of the new sequel trilogy, beginning with The Force Awakens, Lucasfilm and Disney promised a new director for each movie to promote a fresh new vision on every installment. With the hiring of J.J. Abrams to direct the upcoming Episode IX, Lucasfilm and Disney have both reneged on this promise.”

You can’t pull a fast one on Matt, Lucasfilm and Disney. He’s got his eyes on you and so do all 33 (as of this writing) supporters that have signed the hard-hitting petition so far. Matt summed up his views by using the rehash analogy. He explains.

“Therefore, to prevent Star Wars Episode IX from becoming yet another rip off of the original trilogy (specifically, a rip off of Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi), and for the good of the Star Wars brand, we demand that Kathleen Kennedy replace J.J. Abrams as director of the upcoming Episode 9 film.”

It is highly unlikely that this fan petition will make any sort of impact whatsoever, but it is interesting to see the way that a certain faction of the Star Wars fan base gets so irritated about changes in the franchise. Any time something new comes along, it’s straight into the trash for one reason or another, much like politics. Lucasfilm president, Kathleen Kennedy, has said in the past that they try to keep track of what the fans want to keep the Star Wars universe ticking, but they have ignored the wishes of a small section of the fan base this time and they aren’t going to take it anymore.

J.J. Abrams is directing Star Wars 9, with shooting to begin summer 2018, and there’s nothing anyone can do about it unless Abrams decides to go rogue and do his own thing with the final movie in the trilogy. The movie will hit theaters December 2019 no matter what, because Disney and Lucasfilm have shareholders they have to appease. Regardless, people are going to still go see the movie in record numbers and buy all of the merchandise that they can afford, so it doesn’t really matter for Lucasfilm and Disney. Even the haters will probably see it twice in the theater to dissect every last detail.


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