Sony’s Spider-Man spin-off Nightwatch is still moving forward, with Spike Lee reportedly still attached to direct and a writer coming aboard. Luke Cage Netflix series creator Cheo Hodari Coker has been tasked to pen the script. While no plot details have been given at this time, the project is believed to be set in the Spider-Man universe like other spin-offs in development and production, such as Silver & Black, Venom and the rumored Morbius the Living Vampire project.
The original report about a Nightwatch movie coming together first surfaced in September, which revealed Spike Lee was being sought to direct. While the filmmaker is reportedly still attached to direct, the original writer, Edward Ricourt (Now You See Me), is seemingly not involved anymore. There is no indication if Cheo Hodari Coker will write a new script from scratch, or if he will include elements of Edward Ricourt’s draft as well. Sony Pictures Executive Vice President Palak Patel is overseeing the development of Nightwatch.
Nightwatch was created by Terry Kavanagh and Alex Saviuk, making his Marvel Comics debut in Web of Spider-Man #97, which debuted in February 1993, although he didn’t appear in full costume until a few issues later. The character debuted just a few months after Image Comics released the first Spawn comic by Todd MacFarlane, and since Nightwatch‘s costume was very similar to the Spawn costume, many wondered if this character was “inspired” by Spawn. When Nightwatch got his own comic series, the costume was changed drastically.
The comics follow Kevin Trench, a doctor who witnessed a costumed hero die in battle against some terrorists, only to learn that the costumed hero was in fact himself, from the future, while wearing the Nightwatch costume. He took the suit and fled to a desert island, positing that if he simply never wears the suit, he won’t die, but he was forced into action when one of the gloves was stolen by the criminal Alfredo, and after Trench dealt with him, he decided to investigate the costume’s origins.
He was featured prominently in the Maximum Carnage crossover comic and there were several different versions of this character between its creation and now. The high-tech Nightwatch suit gave Trench a number of enhanced powers, like superhuman strength and durability, which are triggered by the suit enhancing the adrenal glands. His cape even responded to Trench’s own subconscious thoughts, allowing it to attack enemies on its own, independent of Trench. While it’s clear that Sony is still working on this project, with a new writer being brought aboard, there is no indication as to when this may actually move forward, and when the casting process may begin. It’s possible that this Nightwatch movie could also cross over with Silver and Black and Venom, which will be the first Spider-Man crossover, hitting theaters on October 5. While this news has yet to be confirmed by Sony Pictures, it was first reported by That Hashtag Show.
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