Ranked! Marvel Movies In Order of Their IMDB Ranking


Photo: Jon Furniss / Contributor (Getty Images)

The 80s and the 90s had their Schwarzenegger and Stallone-verses, but in the age we live in now, we have comic book movies and DC and Marvel-verses. Basically, every other blockbuster that comes out is comic book-related, and Marvel movies are by far the best and most successful of them. And there has been so many of them. So many.

There have been so many Marvel movies that soon there will be one for every decimal point in the IMDB’s scoring system. Another one was probably released since I’ve started writing this article. And two more were announced.

Things can get mixed up with the timeline of movie releases and the timeline of events in the Marvel movie universe, so we decided to line them up on a more important scale: their IMDB rating.

Ant-Man and the Wasp (2018) was released on July 6th, and with only 65,000 votes, it has an IMDB rating of 7.5. This means that it will definitely be somewhere on the lower end of the spectrum once more people who are not die-hard Marvel fans chime in.

The worst-rated of the Marvel movies was one of the earlier ones, directed by Louis Leterrier and starring Edward Norton, it’s the biggest blemish on Marvel’s impressive record. Since then, they’ve replaced Norton with Mark Ruffalo and Hulk became one of the cornerstones of the franchise.

Looking back at this movie, it didn’t have the worst reception, but it was mostly remembered for how ripped Chris Evans got for the part. The fifth-released movie in the Marvel cinematic universe introduced the steroid-taking Captain America and the early parts of the movie were its best moments.

See Also: The Best Chris Evans Roles Outside of Marvel Movies.

The three-way tie between first two Thor movies and Iron Man 2, with a side note, that The Dark World had the least number of votes. Which means that it would probably get a smaller rating if the number of viewers was the same. We’re stalling because we don’t remember anything about it. Except it was… dark.

Robert Downey Jr. really killed it with his portrayal of Tony Stark that people give him the pass on this incredibly generic film. We remember that there is a guy with thunder whips, and that Tony is really snarky at some moments. All the moments.

Thor (2011) – 7.0

The most-voted on and surely the best Marvel movie of these three 7,0 titles. The movie that introduced the biggest actresses of the Marvel cinematic universe – Natalie Portman was better remembered for its campy, out-of-place humor that always works (See Wonder Woman).

The stakes were raised with third Tony Stark movie, and with Shane Black (The Nice Guys) directing it was different enough from other Marvel movies to make it stand out. Some people are not satisfied with the ending, but it was unusual, and a breath of fresh air.

Ant-Man (2015) – 7.3

The role-players might be small in this movie, but the stakes are high as always. A late addition to the Avengers pack has been surprisingly good and it gave us something we never thought will see – ripped Paul Rudd.

This was supposed to be the second big firework. The conclusion of phase two thematically, but it passed and it went. It gave the world some good memes but it will be forever remembered as the least good Avengers movie.

Oh yes, this one as well. It’s one of the most forgettable movies even though it’s one of the most distant from the rest of the universe. It’s not bad by any means, but it’s more of the same. While being different and quirky. Brattyglam Cucumberstaff is in this one.


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