
A PAX West 2018 games round-up is definitely needed following the big gaming event. Happily, that is exactly what I’ve got for you today! Strap yourselves in, for there’s a fair bit to cover!
Fortnite Summer Skirmish and Grappler Tool Reveal
You’d be a fool to think that the biggest game in the world wouldn’t show up to PAX West 2018. Fortnite was there, and Epic Games was pimping it with style, allowing attendees to try their hand at themed golf and other activities. In addition to this, the Summer Skirmish tournament was hosted, giving players the chance to watch the best of the best fight to be crowned the champion. Though it isn’t the most technically competitive game out there, it’s still incredibly popular, drawing in a huge audience.
Epic Games also revealed the new High Stakes event, which will soon be implemented into the game. This will introduce the Getaway limited time mode, the new Grappler weapon, and more. It’s expected to drop on September 6, following a last-minute delay.
Devil May Cry 5 Photo Mode and Devil Breakers Gameplay
The Devil May Cry 5 PAX West 2018 panel was another highlight of the event. Capcom proved to be very generous with the amount of new information and gameplay that was shown. First, there was the confirmation that DMC5 would feature a Photo Mode, allowing players to pause time to snap that perfect screenshot. With modern games looking increasingly good, and with 4K resolution being all the rage, it’s great to see more Photo Modes popping up.
In addition to the Photo Mode, Capcom also teased Nero’s new Devil Breakers, which transform his arm into a variety of powerful weapons. If you skip to 24:40 in the trailer above (via Gematsu), you can see them in action.
Anthem Story DLC is all Free
Anthem is a massive, open-world co-op shooter created by BioWare. We’ve already seen a nice chunk of gameplay, preparing us for epic adventures in our powerful mechs. It’s like Destiny and Transformers had a badass metal baby!
Anyway, as this is published by EA, it’s easy to presume that Anthem would have some frustrating paid-for DLCs, which aim to squeeze extra cash out of your already emptied wallet. Well, I’ve got good news! During PAX West 2018, it was revealed that all Anthem‘s story DLC would be made free. Though we’re still awaiting official confirmation from EA, and despite what microtransactions will likely be implemented, this still feels like a win for gamers!
Stormland Preview: “The Biggest, Deepest VR Game I’ve Played”
GR’s Michael Leri made a bold statement about Stormland, the upcoming VR title from Insomniac Games. He described the game as being “the biggest, deepest VR game that [he’s] ever played.” Find out what got him gushing in the preview here.
Resident Evil 2 Preview: “My Resident Evil 2 Remake Hype Train Just Entered Hyperspace”
If there’s anyone I trust when it comes to previewing a Resident Evil game, it’s GR’s Jason Faulkner. The man knows his zombie titles, making him the perfect candidate to fly off to PAX West 2018 and get his hands on the upcoming Resi 2 Remake. You can read his full thoughts here.
Ooblets Preview: “Ooblets Has Adorable Creatures and Pokemon-Esque Dance-Off Battles That Are so My Aesthetic”
From the terrifying Resident Evil 2 Remake to the totes adorbs Ooblets, GR’s Jason Faulkner went from one extreme to another. Ooblets combines the good things from Animal Crossing, Harvest Moon, and Pokemon, before mixing in some of its own unique gameplay quirks.
Instead of battling one another, combat in Ooblets goes down pretty damn differently. Dance-offs are the name of the game here, with creatures battling to be the last dancer standing. The more complex battles feature 3v3 face-offs, which require an additional layer of strategy. Read the full preview here.
Suda51 Interview: No More Heroes, Killer7 Director’s Cut, and More
GameRevolution’s very own Michael Leri sat down with Goichi “Suda51” Suda to talk games. Known for his incredibly varied work and unpredictable nature, Suda51’s energetic responses make for a fun watch. At 16-minutes, this fun-size interview explores Suda51’s career, Killer7, Travis Strikes Back: No More Heroes, and more.
Hidetaka “Swery” Suehiro Interview: The Good Life and The Missing
In his mission to interview every man, woman, and child attending PAX West 2018, GR’s Michael Leri tracked down Hidetaka “Swery” Suehiro, successfully cornering him for a delightful 15-minute interview. Swery’s upcoming games, The Good Life and The Missing, were the main topics of conversation. Watch, listen, and learn!
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