One Rumored Leia Scene Is Definitely Not Happening in Star Wars 8


As we get closer and closer to Star Wars: The Last Jedi, we’ve been hearing some interesting details about the nefarious Supreme Leader Snoke, but today we have clarification that Snoke doesn’t come face to face with Leia Organa (Carrie Fisher). There had been rumors that there would be some sort of confrontation between Leia and Snoke in this film, but that seemingly isn’t the case, according to Andy Serkis. Here’s what he had to say during a recent interview, revealing that he did get to spend some time with Carrie Fisher on the set, but he didn’t have any scenes with her.

“I had no scenes with Carrie but I did get to know her a little bit. She was an incredible human being with a wonderful personality and she’s sadly, sadly missed and everyone who came into contact with her was really touched by her great energy and great sense of humor. She is a wonderful person and I did have a great time working with the cast and Adam Driver and Domhnall Gleeson, we’ve had some really great times on it.”

The actor’s statement comes during an interview with The List, during the world premiere of his new film Goodbye, Christopher Robin. This interview also comes just a few days after a report that Star Wars 8 may ultimately reveal Snoke’s home planet, although, like all Star Wars rumors, that has yet to be confirmed. It’s possible that we may get our first real look at this planet soon, if a rumor about the new trailer is proven to be true.

Earlier this week, Mark Hamill sent out a tweet that strongly suggested the second Star Wars 8 trailer will debut on Monday, October 9, during the Monday Night Football game between the Minnesota Vikings and the Chicago Bears. While it certainly seems like a viable way to release the trailer, since there have been previous Star Wars and Marvel Studios trailers that have dropped during Monday Night Football, which airs on the Disney-owned network ABC, we likely won’t get any direct confirmation until we’re much closer to the game in question. Still, fans have been chomping at the bit for new footage, because it’s been over five months since the first trailer debuted at Star Wars Celebration.

The untimely death of Carrie Fisher has raised a lot of questions, although LucasFilm made the rare move of shooting down a Leia rumor from earlier this year, revealing the studio has no plans to “resurrect” Leia Organa through CGI for any future Star Wars movie, like they did with Grand Moff Tarkin in Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, played by the late Peter Cushing. There was a report that she still had a few major scenes left to be filmed in either Star Wars: The Last Jedi or Star Wars 9, which included a reunion with Luke Skywalker and a confrontation with her evil son, Kylo Ren (Adam Driver). Hopefully we’ll find out more on Star Wars: The Last Jedi very soon.


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