Luann de Lesseps is over the moon, as she has found the man she wants to marry. Despite being married for many years to a Count and dating Jacques for several years, Luann is now moving fast with Thomas D’Agostino. As it turns out, Luann may not have known that Thomas had dated both Sonja Morgan and Ramona Singer before she met him. According to a new report, Luann de Lesseps doesn’t really care too much about his past, as she’s looking more towards the future.
“I think that Ramona takes Sonja and me for granted. We’ve been by her side through the good and the bad for many years, so you’d think she would be more loyal? Wrong! When I was at her apartment trying out the hair extensions, I shared with her that I had a fortune teller come to my home back in November and she predicted I’d meet my soul mate within two weeks, and I did! Tom told me he loved me one week in, and the feeling was mutual,” Luann explains.
“Ramona could tell how over-the-moon I was for Tom, so when she tried to burst my bubble by sharing what she’d heard about him calling his ex and giving her a present, I wondered if she was trying to be a good girlfriend or if subliminally, she was trying to hurt me. I admire Tom’s ability to be friends with his ex. I, too, am friends with my ex-husband, and we’ve maintained a great friendship throughout our post-divorce years. I told Ramona that time will tell, and I’m telling you that Tom and I are still together and are planning on getting married!” Luann de Lesseps explains in her blog about her friendship with Ramona.
What do you think of Luann de Lesseps breaking girl code and dating a man, who has already been around the block?
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