Katy Perry Pissed Off Koala Activists


Katy Perry

It’s 2017, so you can’t say anything or you’ll be labeled “disgusting” or “insensitive” by at least one person on the Internet. Katy Perry is being called that because she said something about koalas.

Katy Perry has come under fire for telling her poodle dog to “chase some koalas” in an advert for an Australian department store. Myer has removed the advert, which was branded “disgusting” and “insensitive” by one of the country’s leading wildlife charities. The advert shows the pop star telling viewers how they can win 8,000 free tickets to her next show in Australia, and then telling her teacup poodle Nugget: “Let’s go and chase some koalas, Nugget!”.

You can’t see it, but right now I’m clutching my pearls. HOW DARE KATY DO THIS?! Gold Coast wildlife vet Claire Madden had some words.

“This is just absolute ignorance from Perry and Myer, and inappropriate on so many levels,“…. “Perry is a role model to so many young people, and this just destroys all the good work we do to try to encourage people not to let their dogs come into contact with koalas,” she added. “Katy Perry I challenge you to come and spend a day with me (a wildlife vet) and learn first hand why your comment should NOT be streamed across the nation,” Ms Madden said. “Koalas attacked by dogs is one of their biggest threats and primary reasons for presenting to wildlife hospitals across Australia,” she added. “Come visit me and you will quickly learn how adorable and precious our koalas are and how undeserving your comment is.”

If there’s one thing I’ve learned about Katy Perry fans, it is that they are very concerned about the threats to koalas in Australia. They tweet about it all the time. Katy should have known better to do something so insensitive to an animal that is confined to a small part of the smallest continent in the world. If dogs could write letters, they’d probably send Katy fan mail. What about the dog’s needs, Claire?


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