Johnny Depp Got Drunk And Attacked A Crew Member On His New Movie


Johnny Depp


Johnny Depp‘s unhinged alcoholism seems to be going pretty well. He’s currently filming LAbyrinth, where he plays the real LAPD detective who investigated Biggie’s murder, so this might be way the case was never solved. Yeah, so Depp wanted to direct a scene and hired a bunch of his friends to be in the scene. The permit to keep the street closed off ran out, and since Depp was drunk off his ass, he didn’t want to hear that he needed to wrap the shit up.

“The producers kept asking for the time to be extended,” explained a source familiar with the production. Finally, a location manager informed the film’s director, Brad Furman, that the scene had to wrap, but, “Brad interjected, ‘Tell that to Johnny Depp!’ ” The location manager told Depp, “This is the last shot,” a source said, when an irate Depp — who’d been “smoking and drinking all day on set” — got in the staffer’s face. “He was 6 inches away, yelling, ‘Who are you? You have no right!’ ” sources said. When the well-liked worker told Depp, “I’m just doing my job,” a source said Depp tried to punch him in the ribs. But the weak blow didn’t make an impact, and Depp yelled, “I’ll give you $100,000 to punch me right now!” The stunned staffer stood still, and Depp was finally pulled away.

Depp is like a dude playing Johnny Depp at this point, and I can’t remember the last time he carried a movie unless you count the Pirates of the Disney Cash Grab franchise. Hopefully Amber Heard showed up and got an extra $100,000. I’d do it $50,000. Maybe $25,000. Well, actually $10,000. Let me know, Johnny!


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