Here’s The Dude Who Deactivated Donald Trump’s Twitter For 11 Minutes


Donald Trump


Earlier this month, Donald Trump’s Twitter account was deactivated for 11 minutes and Twitter rejoiced. Like, people were legit happy about it. Not me, because Trump’s tweets are hilarious because I enjoy laughing into the void, and I don’t think I follow anybody on Twitter who constantly self-owns themselves daily. Anyway, it was learned his account was deactivated by a contractor on his last day on the job. His name is Bahtiyar Duysak and this is him (via TechCrunch):

Duysak, a twenty-something with Turkish roots who was born and raised in Germany, was working as a contractor for a fixed term for the last part of his stay in the U.S. under a work and study visa. In addition to his role at Twitter with Pro Unlimited, other assignments had included stints in monetization at Google and YouTube via another contractor, Vaco.

Duysak is back in Germany now, but after deactivated the most precious thing in the President of the United States’ life, he now just wants everybody to leave him alone and not kill him and his family.

“I want to continue an ordinary life. I don’t want to flee from the media,” he said. “I want to speak to my neighbors and friends. I had to delete hundreds of friends, so many pictures, because reporters are stalking me. I just want to continue an ordinary life.” “I didn’t do any crime or anything evil, but I feel like Pablo Escobar,” he said, “and slowly it’s getting really annoying.”

I’m really surprised “I didn’t do any crime or anything evil” isn’t Trump’s Twitter bio by now, because it sounds like something he’d say. But as far as Duysak goes, I’d probably stay in Germany for the rest of my life in a drone-free zone.



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