Hayley Atwell Wants an Agent Carter Movie


In last year’s Captain America: Civil War, one of the many details revealed in that sprawling story was that Peggy Carter (Hayley Atwell), the first love of Captain America (Chris Evans) passed away after a long and fulfilling life. Just a week after that movie came out, ABC canceled Agent Carter, leaving little hope for the character to return in the MCU, but Hayley Atwell revealed in a new interview that she wants to see a Peggy Carter movie. Here’s what she had to say in a new interview below.

“I’d love to see [Peggy] more in films. I’d love to see her in her own film. And if we can keep evolving it so that she does new things so that I can surprise myself and she can keep surprising me then I’d love to do it. And I feel very privileged to be part of something that people really love and that entertains them. But also, you’re going to these conventions and meeting people who’ve named their son Carter and people who have a tattoo of ‘I Know My Value,’ the tagline. She’s a force of good and there are a lot of social media sites where girls and guys have come together and become good friends on an international scale because of their belief in some of the values that Peggy talks about. And that provides them with a different connection that a family situation or school situation that they don’t really feel they have a place in. That’s really cool to me. So I’m very happy to be a part of that world and keep that going.”

The actress made these comments in a new interview with IGN, while promoting her new Howard’s End miniseries on Starz. While it remains to be seen if Marvel has any plans to bring Peggy Carter back in a future Marvel movie, the actress also spoke about her hit Agent Carter series being unceremoniously cancelled after just two seasons. Here’s what she had to say below.

“You know Marvel and all the creatives behind the making of the show loved it. And we loved it. We all loved making it. It was a network political thing. They wanted to put me in something mainstream (Conviction) to get their ratings up rather than something that was more genre specific. There were a lot of economic decisions behind it and I wasn’t a part of the conversation. So we were all really surprised about that because we kind of got the sense that people were liking it. It had this cult following. So I know there’ve been online campaigns for it and the fact that we know that she lives until the age of 96 means that technically I could be employed for the rest of my life, you know.”

There is one upcoming Marvel movie where it would be possible for Peggy Carter to come back, Captain Marvel, since it was confirmed at Comic-Con that the story is set in the 1990s. Aside from Brie Larson, who is playing the title character, no other cast members have been confirmed for Captain Marvel, but since this period setting has been confirmed, it could be the perfect opportunity to bring back this beloved character in the MCU.


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