Getting Married Helps Protect You Against Heart Disease And Stroke


Wife and husband with red heart-shaped balloon, Hahn Park, Los Angeles, California, USA. Photo: David Jakle (Getty)

Here’s a great argument for being allowed to have multiple wives.

According to Science Daily, a new study suggests getting married has the power to protect against the development of heart disease and stroke, as well as influence who is more likely to die of it.

Published in the online journal Heart, researchers found that 42 percent of the test’s subjects who’d never been married were showed to have a heightened risk of dying from coronary heart disease. Additionally, 55 percent of them had a higher risk of dying from a stroke. However, those who did decide to tie the knot but chose poorly were also at risk of developing cardiovascular disease. Analysis indicated divorce was associated with a 35 percent higher risk.

The authors of the study came to their conclusions using data from 34 other studies conducted between 1963 to 2015 involving more than two million people between ages 42 and 77. Their theories as to why marriage might be better for your heart’s heath include “earlier recognition of and response to health problems, better adherence to medication, better financial security, enhanced well-being and better friendship networks.”

Of course, the downside to getting married is the second you do, every single woman in the bar or on the planet finds you more attractive. Unfortunately, you can’t do anything about that.


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