
Roll up, roll up, it’s time to round up all of those new free games! Free Play is back again to guide you through the latest and greatest new free-to-play games and experiences. Let’s do this!
For Honor Starter Edition (PC)
Back at E3 2018, Ubisoft made the For Honor Starter Edition completely free to download. The publisher is repeating this kind act, with PC players able to head on over to Steam and get the Starter Edition installed at no cost. And no, this isn’t a free trial, or something that will ever expire. It’s the full Starter Edition, with no end date. (Even if you aren’t going to play it immediately, get it added to your library for the future!)
If you’re somehow finding this post after August 27, 2018, I have bad news for you, as that date is when the offer expires. That doesn’t leave you too long!
Take on the role of a mighty warrior, grab your sword (or equally sharp bladed instrument), and go toe-to-toe with legendary foes.
Hearthstone Free Packs (PC, Android, iPhone)
Blizzard is rarely this generous with its popular card game, Hearthstone, so I’d advise you definitely take advantage of the three free packs being gifted to all players logging in. This will be “for a limited time,” so if you’re reading this and aren’t simultaneously booting the game up to get those packs, you are doing it very wrong! Get going!
The packs are of The Boomsday Project variety, which is the latest Hearthstone expansion. If it’s been a while since you played, these three free packs will give you a good starting point to get back into things!
Earthlock Demo (PS4)
PS4 owners have beaten Xbox One players in the number of new demos available for this week! For those who chose the PlayStation side of the war, there is now a demo for Earthlock ready and available to download and play. It’s a turn-based fantasy RPG that boasts a unique visual style, which aims to suck you in with its character progression and customization.
Over on Steam, the game boasts a “Mostly Positive” set of reviews, with many impressed by indie developer Snowcastle Games’ efforts.
Transference: The Walter Test Case Demo (PS4, PSVR)
Huh, it’s some free VR content? Yep, the Transference: The Walter Test Case demo is a trial that can be played both in and out of VR. It’s exclusively available to PlayStation (sorry again, Xbox fans!) and enables players to experience the mind of “a troubled test subject suffering from PTSD.”
Gameplay mostly revolves around solving “mind-bending puzzles, as you repair [the character’s] corrupted memories.” Obviously playing in VR is the way to go, if you do indeed own the headset!
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