Hey, so Elisabeth Moss won Best Actress in a TV show for Handmaid’s Tale at the Golden Globes last night and check out what she said! Per Variety:
Moss accepted the award with a quote from “The Handmaid’s Tale” by Canadian author Margaret Atwood. “We were the people who were not in the papers. We lived in the blank white spaces at the edges of print. It gave us more freedom. We lived in the gaps between the stories,” Moss quoted. Moss then went on to praise the author and all those fighting through the years for the ideals behind the “Time’s Up” movement that is taking place today. “Margaret Atwood, this is for you and and all of the women who came before you and after you who were brave enough to speak out against intolerance and injustice, and to fight for equality and freedom in this world. We no longer live in the blank, white spaces at the edge of print. We no longer live in the gaps in the stories. We are the stories in print, and we are writing the stories ourselves,” she said.
Black dress? Check. Shout out to equality for women? Check. Failed to mention that she’s a Scientologist while accepting an award for playing a woman subjugated and abused by a fucked up religion? Also check. Maybe she can play a mentally ill person or woman’s whose disappearance was covered up next to complete the troll. Damn, Hollywood is so full of shit.
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