Doomsday Group Thinks Next Month’s Blood Moon Will Signal End Of The World


Moon on cloudy night sky. Photo: Tetra Images (Getty)

The list of failed end of days predictions is almost as long as Wilt Chamberlain’s list of bunkmates. Yet, it appears there is still room for at least one more. According to Mirror, the same idiots who predicted the world would come to an end courtesy of a series of lunar eclipses between April 2014 and September 2015 have dipped their fingers back into the lunacy jar. They’ve now pulled out another expiration date for the planet.

If you’ve never been to Yellowstone National Park and hang on every last word from the mouths of crackpot ministers, now would be a good time to make the journey. Apparently, the world is going to end on July 27 when the 21st century’s longest lunar eclipse will produce a “blood moon.”

Of course, July’s blood moon won’t be the first time the mentally ill have prepared for the end of days. Then again, it’s not even close to being the most laughable. Followers of the Italian mystic Joachim of Fiore known as Joachimites prepared for the world to end in 1260. When that didn’t happen, they conveniently “rescheduled it” to 1290. When that didn’t happen, then moved it to 1335.

In 1524, 20,000 Londoners fled their homes and headed for higher ground when astrologers predicted the world would end courtesy of a flood . Marshall Applewhite had people believing a spacecraft was traveling behind a comet. Even professional buffoon Pat Robertson has swung and missed badly on several occasions.

For those who just want to witness a phenomenal total lunar eclipse, the next blood moon will last for 103 minutes beginning late on July 27. It then comes to a close on July 28. Those living in Europe, Asia, Australia, South America and southern parts of North America will have spectacular views of the event. Meanwhile, those who call Flint, Michigan home will miss out, continuing one hell of a run of being absolutely screwed in life.


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