Deadpool 2 Blu-ray Will Reveal Juggernaut's Ultimate Fate


The cast of Deadpool 2 took a trip to San Diego for Comic-Con to celebrate the success of the franchise and answer some burning questions from diehard fans. Ryan Reynolds revealed that he thinks that both X-Men: Origins and Green Lantern are bad movies, the baby Hitler scene was screened for Hall H, and director David Leitch revealed that fans will learn if Juggernaut survived his electric enema at the conclusion of the sequel when the Blu-ray edition hits stores. It was also revealed that the “Super Duper” cut of Deadpool 2 will be available on the Blu-ray release as well.

During the Deadpool 2 panel today, director David Leitch revealed that the Blu-ray release will contain some pretty awesome extras, including the “Super Duper” cut of the film, which is 12 minutes longer than the theatrical cut and more like the director originally envisioned. In addition, Leitch said that eagle-eyed viewers will be able to see if Juggernaut survived after his battle with Colossus and Negasonic Teenage Warhead. It isn’t clear how closely we’re going to have to look, but it could be in the Easter Egg category.

Deadpool 2 featured Ryan Reynolds as Juggernaut and Marvel fans were really happy with the results. However, fans were not happy that the character was barely in the film. There were a few gripes with the sequel and that was one of them. So, if the Blu-ray reveals that Juggernaut survived, we could see him in another movie. If he did survive, it’s more than likely that he won’t show up in the upcoming X-Force movie. Regardless, we will get some closure for Juggernaut when the Blu-ray is released.

The “Super Duper” cut of Deadpool 2 will be available when the Blu-ray edition goes on sale, which is on August 21st. The release will also contain a bunch of deleted scenes and other bonus features. Who’d of thought that a movie that premiered over two months ago would be creating such a stir at San Diego Comic-Con. However, when it comes down to it, Ryan Reynolds and crew know what they’re doing with the franchise and Deadpool creator Rob Liefeld puts his total trust in that team to deliver the goods.

Marvel fans will soon be able to learn the fate of Juggernaut and finally get some closure next month when the Deadpool 2 Blu-ray hits stores. It really hasn’t been all of that long. The movie has only been in theaters since May, so waiting until August really isn’t that big of deal. For now, we’ll just have to wait for reviews of the “Super Duper” cut of the sequel to start rolling in late tonight and early tomorrow to see if David Leitch’s cut is worth checking out.


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