Andrea Constand was the director of operations for the Temple’s women’s basketball team when Bill Cosby allegedly drugged and molested her in 2004. Cosby’s given Temple a lot of money. In her 2005 lawsuit, one of Cosby’s lawyers was a member of the Temple Board of Trustees. Let that last sentence sink in a minute. Flash forward to 2016.
Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, District Judge Elizabeth McHugh found probable cause after portions of the police statement from accuser Andrea Constand were read in court. Constand was not required to testify and was not in court. Cosby, 78, faces up to 10 years in prison if convicted. The judge’s decision marks a stunning turn of events for the once-beloved sitcom star, who thus far had avoided trial.
America’s criminal justice is set up to where you’ll be given as much time as you need to buy your way out of whatever it is you were got caught doing, and in Cosby’s case, that was 12 years. Let’s hear Cosby’s lawyers drag it out some more.
At issue is “an accusation made many years ago about an incident that allegedly occurred 12 years ago,” Cosby’s defense attorney Brian McMonagle said Tuesday. “I have never once had a case where the prosecution has relied, in a sexual abuse case, on exclusively hearsay evidence in a hearing.” “It is a complete denial of this defendant’s due process rights,” McMonagle added.
I won’t try to sound like I know what Brian is talking about here, but I know he can’t say “I have never once” anymore. Yes, this is an accusation made many years ago by one of the now nearly 60 women who have come forward with pretty much the exact same story, just with different versions of the last creepy shit they heard Cosby say before they passed out. Then woke up to find everybody they wanted to talk to had already been paid to not believe them. Looks like you got some work headed your way, Brian. May I call you “Brian”?
That Wednesday hashtag.
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