November 25 was International Day for the Elimination of Violence Towards Women, and I don’t know if “celebrate” should be the right term to use here, but Amber Heard has a message for women who are victims of domestic violence, or anyone who knows a woman who is a victim of domestic violence. I have to say, this is her best performance to date.
In all seriousness, whatever your opinion of Amber Heard is, it should be blatantly obvious to everyone that some shit went down with her and Johnny Depp, and as a person who witnessed domestic violence as a child, I can assure you that all bruises and wounds don’t have to be visible. So if you have a few of your own and have nobody to talk you, go talk to The National Domestic Violence Hotline. Sometimes the reasons why you stay can be more powerful than the reasons why you should leave, and that’s not your fault. Nothing about this is your fault. Make a plan and find the strength I know you have. Wow, this got deep. Still true tho.
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