Latest Solo Footage Will Get You Hyped for New Star Wars Movie


Solo is now less than a month away from hitting theaters and Lucasfilm has been ramping up the promotional campaign for the Star Wars spin-off. While the movie is still very mysterious, the new Becoming Solo featurette attempts to explain how Han Solo ended up the way that he is in the original trilogy through a story that takes place in a galaxy that we have yet to see in the Star Wars universe. The new video highlights the recklessness of the young Solo and shows off some new footage in the process.

The new Solo featurette shows off a different tone for the Star Wars universe, with director Ron Howard sharing that it’s a different place that has never been shown before. The new footage goes a long way in proving that Solo will be a different type of Star Wars movie while also proving that Alden Ehrenreich is playing a new version of the iconic character, a version that is his own, separate from what Harrison Ford did with Han Solo. The new featurette provides just enough information to prove just how reckless the young Han Solo was before we see him in the original trilogy.

In Solo, the Empire controls everything, leaving people to have to find their own way to navigate life, which is where young Han Solo came to be. Ron Howard calls him a free spirit and Donald Glover, who plays the young Lando Calrissian, notes that this is a version of Han Solo right before the fully developed character that we all know. Alden Ehrenreich declares that the movie will show how Han Solo became who he is, which is a big deal for Star Wars fans.

And while it’s a big deal for devotees of the Star Wars franchise, many fans are still on the fence about the Solo movie. When the first teaser trailers were released, they were criticized for not showing enough of the young Han Solo. And now, many TV spots later, as well as the final trailer, fans are still skeptical of Alden Ehrenreich pulling off the monumental task of playing the young Han Solo. The new Solo featurette shows off a bravado and swagger that has yet to be seen in previous footage, shining a light on the iconic character.

Solo: A Star Wars Story hits theaters on May 25th and will premiere at the Cannes Film Festival 10 days before on the 15th. Ron Howard announced the completion of production less than 2 weeks ago and it seems that Lucasfilm is ready to finally tell the tale of young Han Solo. The new behind-the-scenes featurette for Solo provides a new look at the character that has not been seen in previous footage that has been released and shows Alden Ehrenreich stepping into his own version of Han Solo. You can check out the new Solo video below, thanks to the Star Wars YouTube channel.


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