Just the night before she nailed her presentation at the Oscars, Girls Trip actress Tiffany Haddish took to the stage to give another epic speech. This time, she was at the wedding of her friend: model Chanel Iman, whom she met on the set of Mad Families. Never one to shy away from attention, Haddish saw an opportunity to wish Chanel and her new husband, New York Giant Sterling Shepard, well wishes in their new marriage. The toast, which you can see in the video above, was filled with Haddish’s signature humor—and, yes, the crowd responded with applause and laughter. (And, no, she was not wearing her now-iconic white Alexander McQueen gown.)
But Haddish’s toast was not all jokes. The actress and model became close while filming together and that was evident in her speech. “During filming, I didn’t have a trailer so she was kind enough to share hers with me,” Chanel explains. “So for a month, we were sharing a trailer and going over lines together. We laughed, we cried, we bonded. She’s like a big sister to me.”
During her toast, Haddish referenced their long talks on set, as well as Sterling and Chanel‘s frequent visits to her standup comedy shows. “I knew you could take care of any man you decided to take care of and I’m glad you decided to take care of that one cause I can see his soul,” she said to Chanel, before she went on to make a joke of the sentimental thought. “I looked into his eyeballs when you brought him to the comedy club. That’s a good man….[To Sterling] You better worship the ground she walk on cause she’s got a gangster ass bitch that got her back. Sorry, pastor!”
Haddish continued with a piece of advice for the couple. “Make sure y’all have fun together,” she said. “I ain’t that old, but I’m old, but I ain’t that old. But I’ve seen things. From my observation, the relationships that last the longest are the relationships where you have fun. You are going to have your ups and your downs, but find time to have fun.”
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