‘Star Wars: The Last Jedi’ Had A World Premiere Saturday Night


Star Wars The Last Jedi


It snowed in Atlanta on Friday. And when I say “it snowed”, I mean it pretty much snowed all day Friday and all night. We aren’t prepared for that in the South. I say that because John Boyega was trapped here on Friday, but he eventually made it to the premiere of Star Wars: The Last Jedi. Here’s pictures from that premiere. The Last Jedi early reviews are calling this the best Star Wars movie since Empire Strikes Back, but they also said that about The Force Awakens (it wasn’t) and Rogue One (it really wasn’t), and they only people the studio invites to these early screenings are Star Wars dorks and people paid to say it was great, so when you watch the movie you can judge for yourself. It might be the greatest Star Wars movie ever, but we really won’t know until Disney makes the 6,378 other Star wars movies they have planned or until people realize the Star Wars franchise is just a cash cow for a consolidated monopoly. Either or.



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