Warner Bros. and the DCEU are a shit show. I don’t think anybody wants to be involved besides Gal Gadot, because what else is she gonna do? The DCEU is so bad right now that they’re trying to develop DC movies that take place outside the current DCEU. It looks like The Batman will be one of those. If you take what Casey Affleck said combined with what Matt Reeves said, then read what THR said yesterday, you understand that Ben Affleck would rather hug a suicide bomber than be associated with Batman anymore.
The new line, or possibly label, will allow for the making of movies that will stand apart and separate from those big-budget tentpoles. Matt Reeves’ The Batman, for example, is intended to not be connected to the Justice League universe but to be set in a different time period and star another actor.
THR removed this section of the article and replaced it with this, so feel free to draw your own conclusions.
Aug. 23, 6:40 p.m. An earlier version of this story stated that Matt Reeves’ The Batman was part of Warner Bros.’ new label and would star a new actor as Batman, but it is unclear where that project will fall.
Matt Reeves reportedly wants to do a trilogy, and Ben Affleck has one film remaining on his deal with Warner Bros. Maybe just get Andy Serkis to play Ben Affleck. Problem solved.
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