Jennifer Lopez Shuts Down Haters Who Say Her New Selfie Is Photoshopped


Jennifer Lopez has no time for critics who think she photoshops her Instagram pics.

The Shades of Blue star posted a selfie on Thursday (June 22) that exposed her (very toned) stomach. Of course, Lopez’s abs of steel really shouldn’t surprise anyone: She’s a workout and healthy-eating enthusiast. Even still, the snap garnered criticism from a few of Lopez’s followers, who thought she altered it to look more ripped than she is. The naysayers pointed to a smudge on Lopez’s mirror as proof of the digital trickery. “Photoshop,” one user wrote in the comments section.

But Lopez shut down the speculation with a cutting, hashtag-filled clap-back.

“Omg…Just a smudge on the mirror…lol…not photoshop. #lordblessthehaters #gymrat #youshouldtryit #wishtherewasphotoshopforhaters,” Lopez wrote. Check it out for yourself, below:

J.Lo Clapback

PHOTO: Instagram

And here’s the selfie that started it all:

Lopez isn’t the first celebrity to get accused of photoshopping a social media pic. Just last month Ariel Winter came under fire for allegedly editing one of her Instagram snaps. But the Modern Family star dismissed the accusations, writing, “This is the real me. I don’t photoshop my photos. People look different at different angles.”

Ashley Graham told her followers the same thing in 2016 after they shamed her for supposedly losing weight. “People come on my page and body-shame me because I’m too big, because I’m too small, because I’m not good enough for their standards…but at the end of the day I’m good enough for me,” she wrote. “Angles will make anyone look bigger or smaller and I just happen to know mine.”

It’s interesting, albeit not surprising, that all three of these celebrities are women. Yes, men have faced similar criticisms in the past (Ludacris’ CGI abs, anyone?), but the ferocity isn’t as intense. When will people realize that no one’s body is up for discussion?

RELATED: Jennifer Lopez Shared a No-Makeup Selfie, and Her Skin’s So Radiant It’s Not Even Fair


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