Special Ed Teacher Arrested For Sex With Student After Sexts Were Discovered


It takes a special type of person to be a special education teacher. Patience, empathy and a sincere sense of self-sacrifice are all necessary, and yet somehow 24-year-old Jordan Ondish threw all those admirable qualities out the window and decided to (allegedly) have sex with one of the students at Pennsylvania’s Summit Academy.

To make matters worse, Summit Academy is a private school for court-adjudicated youths between the ages of 14 and 19. To make matters better, even though Ondish was a special education teacher she did not in fact have (alleged) sex with a special ed student. So while it appears we cancel out to zero, in reality this is still a story about a teacher fucking an underage student, which means a -500 is automatically applied at checkout. Sorry Ondish – life is only gonna get worse from here on out, not better.

According to Daily Mail, Summit Academy hired Ondish this past June and had already been warned about her behavior by school officials in the months leading up to her arrest; specifically that she needed to be wary of “protecting her personal space” by making sure she was never alone one-on-one with a student, yet she continued to meet with students in private settings.

The cause of her downfall, however, wasn’t neglecting to “protect” her space – it was because she allegedly bought the student she had sex with a cellphone. Students at Summit Academy are not allowed to have phones, and investigators say that staff discovered the phone in the victim’s room and confiscated it. Upon reading the text messages, school administrators saw that “explicit messages” had been sent between the unnamed victim and Ondish; the student later admitted to having sex with Ondish twice in her classroom in the weeks leading up to Thanksgiving.

As for the school’s response, Summit Academy released the following statement this past Monday:

The administration at Summit Academy was made aware of an inappropriate relationship between a teacher and a student and it was immediately reported to the state police. The teacher was then terminated.

Ondish has since been charged with institutional sexual assault. She was arraigned Monday and released in lieu of $30,000 non-monetary bond pending a preliminary hearing on February 13th. 

[H/T Daily Mail]


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