Police Officer Returns and#039;Stolenand#039; Pepper Plant To Little Boy


Police Officer Returns ‘Stolen’ Pepper Plant To Little Boy

May 21, 2018

An officer helped make the day of a little boy in North Bend, Oregon, by partaking in the return of a “stolen” pepper plant.

police officer returns stolen plant
Credit: Bailee Pultz

The boy’s mother, Bailee Pultz, posted the story on Facebook, thanking the North Bend Police Department.

“2 nights ago someone stole my autistic 4 year olds pepper plants that he had been growing and was so proud of. He was so sad and before bed he told us, ‘Don’t worry mommy and daddy, the cops will catch him and bring my peppers back.’ Our neighbor bought a pepper plant and we called North Bend PD.

Within 5-10 minutes they sent and officer out who was so kind and helped deliver my son’s new pepper plant. He was so happy and kept thanking the officer for growing his plant so big! (His previous peppers were tiny starts) HUGE thank you to North Bend Police department for being so incredible and and making this little boy’s day!”

olice officer returns stolen plant
Credit: Bailee Pultz


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