Parents Now Spend Twice As Much Time With Their Kids As 50 Years Ago
November 29, 2017
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An analysis of 12 western countries shows that, on average, both mothers and fathers have been spending more time directly caring for their children.
Researchers Giulia Maria Dotti Sani of European University Institute and Judith Treas of University of California found that the average mother spends about twice as much time with their children today as they did in 1965.
Men still do less than women, but far more than men did in the past: their child-caring time has tripled.
The following data is from a large time-use study involving 68,532 mothers and 53,739 fathers in the USA, Canada, the UK, Denmark, Norway, Germany, the Netherlands, France, Italy, Spain and Slovenia.
Sources: Researchgate.net, Economist.com
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