Dog Missing For 5 Days In Maine Is Found Alive In Snowbank


Dog Missing For 5 Days In Maine Is Found Alive In Snowbank

January 13, 2018

Sophie, a 13-year-old yellow Labrador retriever, had been missing for five days when she was found Jan. 9 buried in a snowbank.

dog missing 5 days found alive in snow
Sophie / Credit: News Center Maine

It started with a Facebook plea.

“We are missing our 13-year-old yellow lab named Sophie from Cushman Road in Bryant Pond,” Albert Silver of Porter, Maine, wrote. “She went out with all of us last night just before 5pm while we were plowing and shoveling, and she wandered off and hasn’t come back. Please share…”

The public post was shared more than two thousand times.

The Silver family had searched everywhere. People the Silvers didn’t even know were looking for Sophie. But as the bitterly cold nights went on, Albert said they were quickly losing hope.

dog missing 5 days found alive in snow
Sophie / Credit: News Center Maine

Miraculously, five days after Sophie’s disappearance, she was found, completely buried in the snow in the yard of a camp the Silvers had already checked. Her head was just barely poking out.

It took some plowing to get to her, but Sophie was not only alive, Sophie was in good health.

A vet check showed she had lost five pounds, but otherwise had no frostbite or serious injuries.

Albert updated concerned individuals who had been sharing the missing dog’s story:

“EXCITING UPDATE!! Yup it’s a miracle. Sophie has been found alive and well. She spent 5 days out in extreme cold and winds and in the snow.”


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