Cute Gym Teacher Arrested For Allegedly Having Sex With Middle School Student


As far as gym teachers go, Shawnetta D. Reece ain’t half bad.

I don’t know about the rest of you, but not a single gym teacher I had growing up was hot. Literally zero. Most of them were either built like refurbished dump trucks that’d seen too many trips to the landfill or The Mountain post-zombification:

Does being attractive make it okay to sexually assault minors? Of course not! Sexual assault is terrible no matter what gender you are; I’m just making a point to insult all my K-12 teachers because I’m feeling particularly bitchy today. Maybe it’s because I lost $500 in Vegas over the weekend, or because I was so hungover this morning on the way to the airport that I puked out the window of the Uber and it splashed all over the side of the car – either way, Shawnetta’s alleged crimes are fucked beyond repair.

According to the New York Post, Shawnetta is accused of sexually assaulting a 15-year-old student while she was a teacher at Georgia’s Union County Middle School back in 2013. While she no longer teaches at said school, the statute of limitations has yet to expire which meant police were able to arrest her on Monday after the Union County Sheriff’s Office received a tip about the alleged “relationship.”

Reports state that Shawnetta allegedly molested the student when he was moving from the eighth grade into the ninth grade. The Georgia Bureau of Investigation is reportedly assisting the Union County Police with the case, and issued the following statement:

“The student was moving from the 8th grade into the 9th grade during this time. As a result of the investigation, Reece has been arrested for child molestation and sexual assault by persons with supervisory or disciplinary authority.”

Once the investigation is completed, the case will be handed over to the Enotah Judicial Circuit District Attorney for prosecution. As of today there is no word on whether Shawnetta has been released on bail, or when her next court appearance is scheduled to take place.


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