College Football Player Who Spends Time With Kids In Need Gets Surprised With Scholarship


College Football Player Who Spends Time With Kids In Need Gets Surprised With Scholarship

August 16, 2017

University of Minnesota football coach P.J. Fleck had something very special planned for his backup kicker, Justin Juenemann. Though Juenemann has never played in a game, that doesn’t mean he hasn’t been making an impact.

Justin Juenemann helps kids wins scholarship

Coach Fleck asked Kyle, a patient at University of Minnesota Masonic Children’s Hospital, to speak to the team. And that was when Kyle mentioned that he had seen Juenemann the most around the hospital. At that point, Fleck asked Kyle to use the T-shirt cannon and send Juenemann a shirt as a reward for being a great representative of the program in the community.

But Juenemann was getting much more than a shirt.

Once Juenemann actually read the shirt and saw that it said, “Justin, congratulations on earning a scholarship!” The entire team went crazy.

“I’ve never seen anybody serve and give more than that guy, who is not a star player, who hasn’t played, where his face is recognizable,” Fleck said after the surprise. “He could easily just not do it and nobody would ever say anything, and all he does is continue to keep his oar in the water, (and) live that holistic life academically, athletically, socially and spiritually.”

“It was an amazing feeling,” Juenemann told TODAY. “It is something that I will never forget.”

Watch the video below.


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