Anonymous Woman Treats 25 Firefighters To Dinner


Anonymous Woman Treats 25 Firefighters To Dinner

July 13, 2017

Members of the Colton Fire Department had been fighting a fire in La Loma Hills, California, for eight hours straight on Saturday before taking a break and heading to a local Denny’s for dinner.

While eating, an anonymous woman told the Denny’s staff that she wanted to buy all of the firefighter’s meals — there were 25 firefighters in the restaurant at that time.

She paid $355 for food, plus a $50 tip, and got a $100 gift card to buy dessert for the next round of arriving firefighters.

woman treats firefighters to dinner
Credit: City of Colton Fire

By the time the waitstaff had told the firefighters, the woman was already gone.

Fire department Public Information Officer Capt. Tom DeBellis told CNN the woman approached the counter and said she “wanted to pay for the firefighters’ meals, but didn’t want to be recognized.”


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