When you went to prom, you probably spent a few hundred dollars on a tuxedo rental or a nice dress, some flowers and a nice dinner. A Philadelphia mom saw the average prom goer and said “step aside, peasant.”
Actual Photo
Saudia Shuler spent twenty five thousand dollars on her son, Johnny Eden Jr’s prom. That price tag got him a camel, a Lamborghini, a Rolls-Royce, a camel (did I mention the camel), 3 tons of sand, three custom gowns for his three (that’s right, three) prom dates and three different tuxedos to match each of his dates.
Eden with a camel.
“I was just trying to pay honor my son, because he is such a good kid,” Shuler said. Eden graduated from a charter school with a 3.8 grade point average and he’s a major player on the school’s basketball team.
“He did everything I required of him, throughout his whole entire life from first grade all the way up to 12th grade straight A’s but always get a B in something dumb like gym,” said Shuler. In recent years, Shuler suffered from a stroke and beat cancer. Eden is a practicing Muslim and according to Shuler, the religion helped him through the experience.
“I was on my death bed a few years ago” Shuler said. “My son took it real hard. He believed in Allah so bad. He is Muslim, I am not. So that is what kept him strong.”
Because of Eden’s faith, Shuler was originally going to reward his good behavior with a trip to Dubai, but instead, she decided to “bring Dubai to Philadelphia” which explains the camel, sand and personalized vanity skyscraper that is an affront to engineering and god.
Just kidding. This is a comedy website.
Spending twenty five thousand dollars on a prom sounds cool, but unless Shuler plans on renting a gold helicopter, Eden’s graduation party is going to be pretty lame in comparison.
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