Woman In Cruel Meme Fires Back In Viral Post: ‘I Wouldn’t Wish It On My Worst Enemy’
December 13, 2016
You’ve probably seen what might be one of the lamest, most annoying crazes on Facebook already.
A confronting image of someone who’s disfigured or overweight is posted with text overlaid asking you to tag someone.
Hilarious right?
While getting tagged in one of these may be annoying – and probably a good indicator that you should cull your friends list – spare a thought for those actually featured in the memes.
One of those people, Lizzie Valasquez, has fired back after coming across a meme featuring her image (above).
“I’ve seen a ton of memes like this all over Facebook recently,” she wrote. “I’m writing this post not as someone who is a victim but as someone who is using their voice. Yes, it’s very late at night as I type this but I do so as a reminder that the innocent people that are being put in these memes are probably up just as late scrolling through Facebook and feeling something that I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy. No matter what we look like or what size we are, at the end of the day we are all human. I ask that you keep that in mind the next time you see a viral meme of a random stranger. At the time you might find it hilarious but the human in the photo is probably feeling the exact opposite. Spread love not hurtful words via a screen.
Xoxo Lizzie”
Lizzie was born with a rare genetic disease which prevents the accumulation of fat beneath the skin.
Lizzie Velasquez
When she was 17, Velasquez faced an onslaught of cyber-bullying, as strangers on YouTube labeled her the “Ugliest Woman in the World.”
But today, Velasquez stands strong as an anti-bullying activist.
“Awful things happened to me, but I am still here smiling and happy. I am so grateful that what I have been through has given me the opportunity to be a voice for so many people.”
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