Man Demonstrates How Textbooks Can Save A Life During A School Shooting


Man Demonstrates How Textbooks Can Save A Life During A School Shooting

February 16, 2018

how textbooks can save your life in school shooting

After the school shooting in Florida, a man in Batesville, MS, is educating the public on how school textbooks can be used as body armor during a shooting.

“One of the best defenses our kids have is right there in their hands is these backpacks with these government issued texbooks,” Rickey Red says in the video.

Rickey posted two videos in which he fired high powered guns at a backpack full of textbooks. In both instances, the bullets failed to penetrate through the textbooks.

Rickey said he decided to make the videos public after making them to educate his own children.

“I did this to educate my children, and I hope it can do the same for yours,” he wrote on Facebook. “These videos are not meant to provide scientific information regarding the use of books as body armor. It is meant to demonstrate the need to use the resources available in order to provide another level of protection.”


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