K9 Unit Retires From Service, Officer Adopts His Favorite Partner


K9 Unit Retires From Service, Officer Adopts His Favorite Partner

January 12, 2018

Police officer Justin Sizemore wrote a heartwarming post on Facebook about his best friend and partner, Booker, who retired from the force on Wednesday, January 10, 2018.

K9 Booker retirement
Booker / Facebook

“Bittersweet moment. My best friend and now former partner, is turning in his badge and will now become my pet. I couldn’t ask for a better loving companion to be by my side,” Sizemore wrote on Facebook.

“I loved going out to that kennel every night before our shift to get you and taking you to work with me. You were my eyes when I couldn’t see, my ears when I couldn’t hear and my nose when I couldn’t smell. You made long nights better and I always had you to talk to and count on no matter what. It’s going to be different and hard the next time I go to work and don’t hear your tail wagging, beating the kennel or I turn around and your not there, but I know you will be enjoying retired life. I love you buddy! Thank you for you service and all you have done.”

Sizemore also posted a video of K9 Booker’s final sign-off call.


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