Sometimes when the moment strikes you just have to ride it out.
I am talking, of course, about when a craving for something like cigarettes or pizza hits; not a vaginal craving for cock in a yard. Does this make them outdoorsy? I consider drinking margaritas in my back yard just half of the equation to make me the next Bear Grylls, whereas the other half of the equation comes after about 4-5 drinks and a quick trip to the bathroom.
22-year-old Marissa Sonkur, however, was not in the process of becoming a nature expert when this video was posted online. Attending a race at the Kelso Racecourse in Scotland, after having a few too many drinks Marissa and her boyfriend decided it was time to hump. Realizing that a motel room was not worth the money and that “Homeless people must do it the same way so why not us?”, the pair proceeded to fuck behind one of the beer tents.
Marissa is said to have said that the romp was “not the classiest thing I’ve ever done,” with a friend further elaborating that “It wasn’t just a one-time thing – she has been seeing the guy for a while. Everyone had a few drinks and then they left the tent together to get some privacy. Everyone has seen it and her whole family know about the video, even her gran.”
Have you ever been caught having sex in public? Let us know in the comments!
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