Looking for a job? There’s no doubt to the fact you will want to work with a company that appreciates you for who you are.
Well, good news. The labor market today is one that has peened up with more opportunities for advancement and personal employee improvement. This is partly due to the fact that a lot of companies have been made to understand the value of their biggest assets: the employees.
To wit, here’s a list of companies- across a wide array of industries- that have been able to develop working environments that are healthy and accommodating to workers.
Take a look at these 20 best place to work for a great career:
1. Salesforce, San Francisco, California,
Salesforce is in the information technology business and the company ranks highest due to their commitment to learning and innovation. They are ready to try new things and everyone with a new idea is always welcome to share it at the company. The company has also been known to exhibit an exceptional approach to alignment.
Find out more about careers in Salesforce
2. Wegmans Food Markets Inc.,Rochester, New York
Based in Rochester, New York, employees have been known to enjoy a sense of purpose from working here. The company has been able to achieve an optimal level of engagement across all working tiers and they’ve been able to achieve great things together. They even do deliveries.
Find out more about careers in Wegmans
3. Ultimate Software, Weston, Florida
Employees get amazing benefits here but that’s not the only reason why this place is so awesome to work. Whenever there is a need or a death of an Ultipeep or any of other family members, the company shows love and support like no other.
Find out more about careers in Ultimate Software
4.The Boston Consulting Group, Inc., Boston, Massachusetts
Development is at the center of anything that goes on here. The business is about people and employees are the company’s biggest asset. Employees are able to challenge the status and also leave impacts on clients.
Find out more about careers in The Boston Consulting Group
5. Edward Jones, St. Louis, Missouri
Edward Jones is admired for their ability to acknowledge history without being mired down by it. The company builds on a solid foundation but there is also a level of flexibility that allows for innovation.
Find out more about careers in Edward Jones
6. Kimpton Hotels and Restaurants, San Francisco, California
Kimpton is a trendsetter in the hospitality industry. The company always strives to try something different and that perspective is welcomed there at all times. Enjoy the weekends with luxury rooms, conformable mattress, furnished and well dressed service staff. A great opportunity for job seekers.
Find out more about careers in Kimpton Hotels and Restaurants
7. Workday, Pleasanton, California
Newbies will find no issues with feeling welcome and at home here as this has always been a core culture component of the IT giant. Everyone is treated like family and this fosters a sense of oneness.
Find out more about careers in Workday
8. Genentech, South San Francisco, California
Here, employees are encouraged to be themselves. There is a feeling of care, safety, and acceptance that you get here that you can’t get at many firms. The development of an all-inclusive environment has always been foundational.
Find out more about careers in Genetech
9. Deloitte, New York, New York
Deloitte is one of the biggest professional service providers in the world, noted for their focus on constant learning, development and improvement. They invest in their employees and are concerned about their well being.
Find out more about careers in Deloitte
10. Baird, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Baird is a financial services provide that is known for adopting a “no asshole policy’ which guides the way people relate with and respect each other, regardless of their position on the company’s hierarchy.
Find out more about careers in Baird
11. Quicken Loans, Detroit, Michigan
At Quicken Loans, the views and opinions of everyone are respected and heard. The organization is revered for the amount of investment they put in their team members and everyone looks for ways to grow and be better.
Find out more about careers in Quicken Loans
12. Capital One, Mclean, Florida
Capital One has adopted a culture that encourages employees to take risks and try new things. They foster a healthy work-life balance and associates are challenged to live better lives.
Find out more about careers in Capital One
13. Cooley LLP, Palo Alto, California
Cooley LLP is a law firm known for their ability to care about the company culture and being able to develop a working environment that is empowering and fun. Cooley is known to go for the best when it comes to their employees, regardless of the occasion.
Find out more about careers in Cooley LLP
14. Southern Ohio Medical Center, Portsmouth, Ohio
The medical center has been known for their propensity to delegate so much to their employees, thereby providing them with the ability to grow and learn on the job. In the end, you get a workplace that is all-engaging and super fun.
Find out more about careers in Southern Ohio Medical Center
15. American Express, New York, New York
American Express is a firm that celebrates wins, no matter how small. Everyone is made to share the same attitude towards service and the people they are to serve, thereby making people care about what they do.
Find out more about careers in American Express
16. Adobe Systems Inc., San Jose, California
The culture at Adobe Systems is one that encourages employees to develop their own ideas and get a strong viewpoint. As opposed to encouraging competition, work-life balance is fostered everywhere here.
Find out more about careers in Adobe Systems Inc.
17. The Cheesecake Factory Inc., Calabasas, California
The Cheesecake Factory rewards dedication and hard work. Promotions come pretty easy, and there is always space for guidance to develop your experience and skills.
Find out more about careers in The Cheesecake Factory Inc.
18. Sap America, Newtown Square, Pennsylvania
If you’re looking for a new career path, SAP might be the best bet for you. The company is adept at recognizing value and transferable skills. And you can always look for a new path while maintaining your employment.
Find out more about careers in Sap America
19. NVIDIA Corporation, Santa Clara, California
NVIDIA is known for looking after even the smallest of things. With even a “pets allowed” policy this company accepts you for who you are, and helps you to work within your personality. Advancement is also fostered, and you are able to collaborate effectively.
Find out more about careers in NVIDIA
20. KPMG LLP, New York, New York
Communication and progressive collaboration are the foundation of this company’s workforce treatment. Regardless of the level you are, someone is always at the ready to help and the company rewards extra effort with gratitude.
Find out more about careers in KPMG LLP
All in all, it’s safe to say that you will be able to find somewhere to apply your skills (whatever they are) that is all inclusive and highly accommodative. Companies today are being made to understand how much they can get when they treat their employees right and this has opened the door to an encouraging work environment for all.
Happy job hunting!
Featured photo credit: Pexels via pexels.com
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